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Technology Trends

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One can see a distinct trend of phone screens getting larger. For example:

Left: HTC EVO 4G; Middle: Galaxy Nexus, Right: Nexus 4

Left: HTC EVO 4G; Middle: Galaxy Nexus, Right: Nexus 4

On the left is an HTC EVO 4G (circa 2009), a Galaxy Nexus (2011), and a Nexus 4 (2012). Based on these observations, I’ve extrapolated what the next-generation wristwatch will look like:

Left: Timex; Right: future

Left: Timex; Right: future

The one on the left is a Timex (circa 2008). The one on the right is a prototype.

Written by PoojanWagh

April 15th, 2013 at 1:34 am

Posted in Humor

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