Poojan (Wagh) Blog

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Grade your web site for SEO (for free)

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I stumbled on this great tool this morning:
Website Grader checks your web site for keywords, Google Pagerank, Yahoo directory, Alexa. and gives you a score for SEO.

The neat thing about the tool is that it gives you all this information in one place, which lets you verify and debug if Google and Yahoo are crawling your web site.

Written by PoojanWagh

September 16th, 2008 at 6:31 am

Posted in Web

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Useful Firefox extensions versus Google Chrome without RSS

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Just for kicks, I’ve been brainstorming whether I can replace FireFox with Google Chrome.

The answer is no, but more accurately, almost. I’ve made a list of FireFox extensions that I live by. Namely: Read the rest of this entry »