Poojan (Wagh) Blog

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Bee’s nest that I extracted from our house this Spring

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The nest is the striated layers near the bottom of the picture (close to the shadow of my Pre that I used to take the picture). That fuzzy stuff near the top is insulation, which the bees seem to have either compressed or consumed. I have no idea what that yellow thing with the bird in the lower left is.

Here are pictures of the framing in which they made their nest:

Basically, there was a gap in the boarding under the window, which allowed them (and likely some water) to get in. You can see that the wood is damaged—probably by both the bees and the water.

Curious thing is that knowing I had to remove this hive filled my brain for a few weeks before I actually did it. I somehow imagined that they were flying underneath the floorboard. When I actually did remove it, it wasn’t as easy as I imagined, but somehow, much easier than I feared.

Written by PoojanWagh

July 20th, 2010 at 10:20 pm

Posted in Home

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