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No Firefox-style extensions for Chrome (for a while)

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I was quite excited to adopt Google Chrome as my primary browser. Immediately, I missed the “Read it Later” extension. I looked into whether an extension communicty had sprung up yet. (Who knows; there are apparently themes available already.) Unfortunately, I found the following in the Chromium (the open-source group formed to develop Chrome) FAQ:

FAQ Chromium Developer Documentation:

Q. How can I develop extensions for Chromium like in Firefox?

A. Chromium doesn’t have an extension system yet. This is something we’re interested in adding in a future version. Note that Chromium does support NPAPI-style “plugins”, such as Adobe Flash and Apple QuickTime.

Unfortunately, this is a deal-breaker for me (and likely for a lot of people). Guess I’ll have to be patient.

Written by PoojanWagh

September 9th, 2008 at 5:33 am

Posted in Desktop Computing

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