Archive for the ‘SVG’ tag
Weird Chrome SVG bug
Google Chrome seems to have a bug in its rendering of SVG files. Here’s what it looks like:
Here’s what the same files look like under Firefox:
The HTML file I used to test this is:
<p>The received in-phase is <object type="image/svg+xml" data="665dd30fd32270d75e7871a23e9ae2b3.svg"></object>and the quadrature is…</p>
The embedded SVG file is:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<svg:svg width="9.485391pt" xmlns:svg="" viewBox="0 -8.332031 9.485391 12.854414" xmlns:svgmath="" height="12.854414pt"><svg:metadata><svgmath:metrics top="9.8251171875" bottom="1.8387890625" baseline="4.5223828125" axis="8.5067578125"/></svg:metadata><svg:text font-size="12.000000" text-anchor="middle" y="0.000000" x="3.061523" font-family="Times New Roman" font-style="italic" fill="black">x</svg:text><svg:g transform="translate(5.724609, 2.683594)"><svg:text font-size="8.520000" text-anchor="middle" y="0.000000" x="1.684863" font-family="Times New Roman" font-style="italic" fill="black">I</svg:text></svg:g></svg:svg>
I’m basically trying to support MathML with SVG as a backup over at the circuit design site. I guess the 7% of visitors that use Chrome will have to deal.